From Our Perspective – Nick Verni-Lau
OFC staff are often asked what it is like to do street outreach. This is one of our stories. Nick Verni-Lau served as the OFC Program Director from 2016 to 2021.
“Respond. Engage. Connect.”
That is our program’s core philosophy. We respond to the needs of our community, engage with our community members, and connect them to support to address those needs. What many may not realize is that this philosophy applies to every member of our community, not just those experiencing homelessness.
Outreach Fort Collins is unique in that we treat every member of our community as a stakeholder. As such, we all deserve to feel safe in this place we call home. Whether you are a resident, business owner, service provider, or emergency responder, we apply the “Respond. Engage. Connect.” philosophy to anyone we interact with. We believe in the power of social capital.
Through relationships and social capital, we can maintain both accountability and accessibility for our neighbors, family, friends, and clients. This enables our community to thrive effectively – to support those in need, respond to each other’s concerns, and build a stronger, safer Fort Collins.